
IRS & Credit Issues

If you realize you made a mistake on your taxes you already filed. Don’t worry, here’s what you need to do.

Posted June 10, 2015
Deductions (Loans/Donations)

So your friend was in a pinch and you thought they’d be good for it and they weren’t. It’s not all bad; you can lower your taxable income as a result.

Maybe you loaned money to a friend to help with a struggling situation. But now it’s beginning to look like you are never getting paid back.

Posted May 28, 2015
Tax Strategies

Grandparents can help with college and lower taxable income.

A grandparent helping their grandchild pay for college can be a win all around. When a grandparent that contributes to a 529 savings plan, it lowers assets within the grandparent’s estate. This helps lowering estate tax.

Posted May 22, 2015

Reverse Mortgages are usually marketed in an appealing way. This could lead to someone asking how is it possible to pay a mortgage in reverse?

Posted May 12, 2015
Tax Myths

Taxes get more complicated for most businesses than they do for individual taxpayers. And not knowing the laws applicable to you is not a justified reason to not comply. Here’s a guide to debunking common myths about business and taxes.

Posted May 3, 2015
Deductions (Loans/Donations)

Make the most out giving to charity by benefiting from all the available tax breaks you’re entitled to.

Posted April 29, 2015
Tax Strategies

Tax planning is the practice of analyzing multiple tax options to decide how you want to operate your business as well as your individual transactions to minimize or wipe out your tax liability.

Posted April 20, 2015
Tax Tips
See if your moving expenses qualify for a deduction.

Posted April 12, 2015
Tax Tips

Forgot or put off your tax return? Here’s what you need to know.

Posted April 5, 2015
Tax Tips

Learn how your personal vacation can be turned into a legal deduction.

If you own your own business and decide you want to take a two-week road trip across America, you can legally deduct almost every cent you spend on your vacation. Here's how you do it.

Posted March 30, 2015